Course flyer
Course agenda
Day 1 – 13 July 2015
- The big picture: global value chain for TB diagnostics (by M Pai) [TBD]
- Panel discussion: Scale-up of existing WHO-endorsed tools – country experiences and challenges [TBD]
- Defining the needs for the next-generation TB tests (by C Denkinger) [TBD]
- Molecular diagnostics: Making sense of a crowded landscape (by D Boyle) [TBD]
- Panel discussion: Gaps in the pipeline: what are the critical needs? [TBD]
- Panel discussion: Can industry fill the gaps? What is the role of donors? [TBD]
Day 2 – 14 July 2015
- Panel discussion: What is the market for TB diagnostics? [TBD]
- Panel discussion: Optimal reference standards for test evaluation [TBD]
- Diagnostic prediction models and incremental value (by N Dendukuri) [TBD]
- Diagnostic RCTs in TB: what are we learning? (by C Denkinger) [TBD]
- Measuring clinical impact: methodological issues and challenges (by S Schumacher) [TBD]
- Tech Pitch [Not available]
- Achieving convergence between new diagnostics and drug regimens (by M Schito) [TBD]
Day 3 – 15 July 2015
- Improving case detection in the Indian private sector in Mumbai (by S Vijayan) [TBD]
- Improving case detection in remote Arctic communities (by G Alvarez) [TBD]
- Implementation Science – rationale and application to TB diagnostics research (by A Cattamanchi) [TBD]
- Barriers to POC testing: insights from qualitative research (by N Engel) [TBD]
- Importance of reproducibility: case study of IGRAs (by N Banaei) [TBD]
- Xpert MTB/RIF in high incidence settings: TB REACH experience (by J Creswell) [TBD]
- Improving access in the private sector: the IPAQT model in India (by H Dabas) [TBD]
- Panel discussion: Can we exploit dCXR to improve case finding? [TBD]
Day 4 – 16 July 2015
- Systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy (by K Steingart) [TBD]
- SR: case study: Xpert MTB/RIF in children (by A Detjen) [TBD]
- SR: case study: Predictive value of IGRAs and TST (by S Kik) [TBD]
- Guideline development in TB diagnostics (by K Steingart) [TBD]
- Panel discussion: How do countries make policies on new diagnostics? [TBD]
- Mathematical modeling: an introduction (by D Dowdy) [TBD]
Day 5 – 17 July 2015
- Transmission modeling of TB diagnostics (by D Dowdy) [TBD]
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of TB diagnostics (by D Dowdy) [TBD]
- Challenges in modeling TB diagnostics (by D Dowdy) [TBD]
- Modeling for decision-making (by D Dowdy) [TBD]
- Panel discussion: Linking models to decision-making in public health & policy [TBD]
- Modeling and cost-effectiveness: a synthesis (by D Dowdy) [TBD]
